Past Potentates
Living Past Potentates
Once I was the Great I Am,
to whom all lesser lights salaam,
respected, honored and obeyed,
an impressive sight when on parade.
My word was law none dare gainsay,
my slightest wish, supreme my sway,
I was a man of high estate –
Time marches on, another day
another Pote holds magic sway.
There was a time – the Noble mob
could see no future in the job.
But now The Cabiri, tried and true
Past Potentate all, not raw nor new,
united for service to Temple and Shrine
that the lights of Mecca may ever shine.
Each title in the Shrine is derived from Arabic tradition, and each has its own set of defined duties and responsibilities. Potentates (both past and present) are addressed as “Illustrious Sir”, Imperial Potentates (both past and present) and members of the Imperial Divan are addressed as “Imperial Sir”, while all other Shriners are addressed as “Noble”. As past leaders of Hejaz Temple the advice and influence of Past Potentates carries great weight.
2024 Jimmy Moser
2023 Byron Sheppard / Lady Michele
2022 Mark Tinsley / Lady Pam
2021 Chad Knight / Lady Kathy
2019 Jim Cunningham / Lady Wanda
2018 Jason Turner / Lady Denise
2017 Jimmie "DO-NUT" Phibbs / Lady Cassandra
2016 Robbie Murphy / Lady Susan
2015 William Ackerman / Lady Rhonda
2014 Barry S. Koon / Lady Fay
2012 James Kennedy / Lady Shirley
2011 Jimmie R Smith / Lady Mary Jane
2010 James Elliot Sr. / Lady Jan
2006 J.R. Hannon / Lady Brenda
2005 George Thompson / Lady Gayle
2004 Vernon Meek / Lady Lilly
2001 Sherwood Kaiser / Lady Rhonda
2000 William Benfield / Lady Pat
1998 Joseph Scott / Lady Nyoda
1997 Clautus Champion / Lady Cynthia
1996 A Carroll Barker / Lady Kathie
1994 John E Bradley / Lady Carol
1991 George Clement / Lady Faye
1990 Philip Ray Dorn / Lady Sandra
1988 Robert E Smith / Lady Dorothy